Monday, December 16, 2019

Make a Musical Resolution for the New Year

Music Lessons New Year New Resolutions

The New Year is approaching and most of us have at least a few things that we want to promise to ourselves, a couple of goals to achieve. Here are some New Year resolutions that would benefit your music skills:

  • Establish a practice routine and stick to it – regular practice is key to honing your music skills, so try to figure out how to allocate some time for practicing each day and stick to that promise;
  • Increase the time you spend practicing – if you already have a rigorous practice regimen, step it up and increase the duration of your practices;
  • Structure your practice – start each practice session with proper warm-up and move to the actual practice phase only when your fingers, your arms and your legs are already prepared for playing your instrument;
  • Put together a new repertoire or determine the number you are going to add to your routine in the new year – diversity is key to improving your skills and new songs will prevent boredom as well;
  • Start recording your music – if you haven’t tried recording yourself, get the gear for it – listening to yourself with critical ears is very important for your development.

Find time to take music lessons at

First Posted over here: Make a Musical Resolution for the New Year

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