Monday, July 29, 2019

Some Common Misconceptions about Playing the Drums

Facts And Myths About Percussion Instruments

The drums are essential components of any band configuration, but they are also instruments surrounded by lots of misconceptions – here are some common drumming myths debunked:

  • Drumming is easy – at beginner levels, drumming does not require the player to be able to read sheet music, but it does require the player to deliver strength and to focus, too, so drumming is not easy at all;
  • The bigger the drum, the louder – larger drum bodies hold more air, that’s true, but smaller drums deliver sound that is more pitched, which makes playing easier and the sound delivered more pleasing;
  • You should play songs that you like – wrong. The best songs to play are the ones that are suitable for you level of skill, songs that are not too easy for you, that pose a suitable amount of challenge, but not to the extent that the joy of playing is ruined;
  • You should learn different drumming styles – when you are proficient in one style, you can try learning another, but until then, while you cannot play one style properly, starting to learn another would be not only useless, but confusing as well. Take your time to become a master in one style and start practicing a new one when are really good at the first one.  For more on playing the drums, stop by

Article Source over here: Some Common Misconceptions about Playing the Drums

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