Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What’s the Difference Between Congas and Bongos?

Bongo Drums Lessons Music Shops



Congas and bongo drums Denver shops have available are considered to be some of the most fun and pleasant types of percussion instruments you can buy. Their unique sound has dazzled listeners for well over 100 years, and they are typically used as special drums mounted on stands and requiring special techniques when hit with the hand (congas) or played with fingers (bongos).


The sound will be slightly different even because of the technique used to play each type of drum. Because you use your whole hand to hit congas, they can be somewhat louder and allow for a wider variety of sounds as some musicians also use their fingers to play the instrument. Bongos are played using your fingers, and you can typically hit them using one or three fingers at a time.


Although they’re somewhat similar, congas and bongos differ somewhat through their design and sound. Bongos are made to be smaller and easier to carry around. They’re about 7-8 inches in diameter, which contrasts with the 11-12.5 inch diameter congas. As a result congas will typically produce a deeper sound. Another difference is that bongos are actually joined together, while congas are played while slightly separate from each other.


There is even a slight difference between when each instrument was invented. Although they both date back to 19th century Cuba, congas were first designed around the 1880s, while bongos came much earlier, having been traced back to the early 1800s.

First Seen over here: What’s the Difference Between Congas and Bongos?

source https://www.denverpercussion.com/whats-the-difference-between-congas-and-bongos/

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