Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Keys to Being Good at Playing a Percussion Instrument

Practice Makes Perfect

A lot of us have a dream of becoming great drummers or playing a unique percussion instrument exquisitely well. While this is not a dream that everyone tends to fulfill, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to – as long as you follow the right procedures and recommendations for learning to play, and you have a certain degree of determination.


Playing a percussion instrument looks easy, but there are a lot of important aspects to cover. Rhythm, power, consistency, stamina and control are just some of them, and a good player will keep track of all of them and practice refining them on a regular basis.


Practice is the key word here, as there are no shortcuts to becoming a great drummer. If you want to be good, you have to put in the work, and no amount of talent will replace that. Moreover, being good also means making fewer and fewer mistakes on a larger repertoire of songs. While, at first, you will only master simpler tracks, with time you can learn to play percussion to almost any type of music and under any circumstance.


Of course, all this takes years of practice and it’s important to stick to it even if it seems like things aren’t going well. Additionally, with the wealth of resources that the internet provides, you should have no problem finding online lessons on video sites or specialized lessons to buy created by professional drummers who know all about what you have to focus on the most.  Keep your drums looking great have drum repair done when needed, and keep up with practicing.

First Posted here: The Keys to Being Good at Playing a Percussion Instrument

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